Play Stories

For wearable enthusiasts, there are a lot of options to choose from when it comes to both activity trackers and fitness bands. There are huge variations in quality and features, and of course budgets. So, while you pit smartwatch vs...

5 Tips On How To Stay Healthy In A Desk Job

By Team PLAY Jul 25, 2020

A hectic desk job with no respite? Odds are that your health fitness is already on your mind. Rightly so,...

Ways to Use a Fitness Band When You Travel

By Team PLAY Jul 25, 2020

Be it travel for work or pleasure, your routine takes a huge hit. This means, shifted sleep cycles, missed workout...

When it comes to staying in shape, a little help can go a long way. Come to think of it, your health and fitness take the back seat when personal and professional priorities take over. Little surprise then that fitness...

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