Play Stories

  When it comes to fitness & yoga, a lot of “tech-forward” millennials are practising asanas with advanced wearables. Fitness trackers are especially useful to help beginners manage & maintain a fitness discipline, and reap the benefits of yoga &...

4 types of Headphones that Amplify the Stereo Experience

By Team PLAY Jul 25, 2020

Technological convergence has indeed enabled our lives in a bunch of different ways. But, we have too many options, too...

Extend the Battery life on your Phone and Bluetooth Headphone with these Simple Hacks

By Team PLAY Jul 25, 2020

For a smartphone user, being in red has a whole new meaning. That dreaded message saying you have only 10%...

The ongoing discussion on which is better – your traditional earphones or the modern headphones, has been raging in the tech world for quite some time. However, a headphones vs earphones comparison is unfair because comparing apples to oranges never...

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