Play Stories

  You can’t expect to reap the benefits of intense workouts and eating healthy unless you commit to them regularly. As much as it is easy to fall back on unhealthy ways, it is as hard to get your health...

Can High Intensity Interval Training Keep You Fit?

By Team PLAY Jul 26, 2020

  Burning calories, staying in shape and following a healthy lifestyle are age-old fitness refrains. However, conventional fitness regimes commanding...

What's Better? Wired Vs Wireless Headphones

By Team PLAY Jul 26, 2020

If you are making the decision of buying a new pair of headphones, the first thing you need to assess...

What if you could turn a common everyday action into one of the biggest meditation tools? Yes, we are talking about walking meditation. Its many benefits range from making you feel grounded to helping you develop a heightened sense of...

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