Play Stories

The lockdown has provided many of us more free time than we've ever had before. Time that we never imagined we'd have.This extra time allows us to do things we've often wanted to do or would like to do more...

#IndependenceDay Contest 2021

By Team PLAY Aug 11, 2021

Here are the rules for the upcoming contest #IndependenceDay Get ready to PLAY!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contest Terms and Conditions- The contest is organized...

5 ways how Voice Assistance is going to transform in future

By Team PLAY Aug 08, 2021

In reality, the ultimate pleasure would be to have a personal assistant who is constantly there to accept your calls,...

Jogging. It's arguably the most basic and inexpensive kind of exercise ever devised. All you need are a good pair of athletic shoes and a route to get started.However, if you want to enhance your run with music and high-quality...

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