Play Stories

Active noise cancellation is designed in a way to cancel out some components of ambient sound. The important word here is active, since the technology does not simply try and block the noise. Instead, it listens to the sound via...

Everything you need to know before buying a fitness band

By Team PLAY May 12, 2021

People who enter fitness feel driven to purchase a fitness device at some stage. This may seem to be an...

5 positive effects that music has on your mental health

By Team PLAY May 04, 2021

People are born with the potential to distinguish between music and noise. Different mechanisms in our brains process various aspects...

Any pair of headphones is probably susceptible to fail at some point. It's a delicate gadget with many complicated parts, and over time, those components can lose out their efficiency and might get worn down, resulting in eventual malfunctions. You...

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