Busting 7 Headphones and Earphones myths

By Krutika Lal Jun 04, 2021

Earphones and headphones have become an indispensable accessory to bring around in recent years. You won't have to give up your music while travelling to work or shopping for groceries with these convenient headsets. However, replacing your favourite headphones can be a little more challenging.
Many people feel that several factors influence the quality of earbuds or headphones, including the price range, and even how to use them. How much of this is true, though?
These are often just audiophile myths that have been passed down from generation to generation. We're here to clarify some of the most common headphone and earphone myths so you can be a more informed buyer.

Any headphone can fit any ear

Certainly not. While it might not appear so, each person's ears are different in size and form. On the other hand, headphones are made to be the same size. As a result, it's impossible to find a pair of headphones that fits everyone you know. The earcups of headphones, on the other hand, are usually built of foam, which is a material that easily changes its structure after prolonged usage. Once you've worn them for a while, they'll naturally adjust to your ear shape for a great fit.

Wider the frequency range, better the listening experience

This is untrue. The lowest and highest frequencies produced by a headphone are supposed to be stated in a frequency range. Human hearing has a frequency range of about 20Hz to 20kHz.
Because our ears are most sensitive between 100Hz and 10kHz, the quantity of energy emitted by a headphone over this range is far more essential than what occurs at lesser 20Hz or greater 20kHz.

The headphone earcups can’t be deodorised, and have to be replaced.

This is untrue. The synthetic material used in headphone earpads might collect scents that are impossible to remove over time. Even so, there are actions you may take to help them live longer. Wipe your headphones with a clean cloth or paper towel before keeping them away. Allow the earpads to be exposed to sunlight for 60 minutes. This can help to eliminate unwanted odours.

Loud sound can damage headphones

There is a misconception that loud sounds damages headphones or earphones. This is untrue since the device can stop the damaging sound pressure levels before reaching the breakdown volume. The product will stop increasing its volume at this stage and become distorted. The amount of electrical signal required to destroy headphones or earbuds is usually quite considerably higher than the point of distortion.

Expensive headphones are the best

It's a common myth that the more expensive the headphones or earphones they automatically sound better. As you spend more money on the goods, it's natural for you to think that way.
Although you’re more likely to get good-quality earphones or headphones if you’re willing to spend a bit more, there are also products that are less expensive but may provide you with quality as good as the expensive one. The overall quality of a set of headphones or earphones is determined by a variety of criteria, including personal choice, fit, and other considerations.

Regular use of headphones leads to hearing loss

Long-term daily usage of headphones can cause hearing loss, but this isn't always the case, and it all depends on one's understanding. Many people wear headphones due to the nature of their jobs. Furthermore, the duration of use exceeds the required 4 hours. This does not, however, imply that people in these vocations are more likely to get hearing problems than others.

Sweat ruins earphones

Excess moisture in the earphone can result in a drop in output volume or a change in audio quality in extreme circumstances. The performance of the earphone returns to normal once it dries out. During normal use or in the gym, it's unlikely that anyone would notice any difference in performance. It's a good idea to wipe the earbuds clean after each use with a cloth or tissue.

Those were the most common myths and misunderstandings you're likely to encounter in conversation or while seeking for advice on the internet. Thankfully, things are generally simpler than they appear, and you should be able to detect them now. Keep these tips in mind to avoid traps and unrealistic promises.

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